Read our latest article on tourism in Thailand

Thailand’s assets

  • Thailand is the second largest economy (after Indonesia) and the 4th richest nation in Southeast Asia in terms of GDP per capita.
  • Regulated population growth and dynamic economic growth. A fast-growing middle class.
  • Thailand’s economy offers promising medium- and long-term prospects. It serves as an anchor economy for its neighboring developing countries.
  • With a population equivalent to France’s, Thailand’s Gross Domestic Product is around four times smaller, guaranteeing enormous development potential over the coming years.
  • Thailand is ranked 22nd in the world in purchasing power parity. ( 2013 IMF )
  • The Thai market attracts international investors looking to set up in a “business friendly” country.
  • Thailand ranks among the world’s top 20 countries for ease of doing business (source: World Bank).

A market at the heart of ASEAN

Map showing Southeast Asian nations with flags and namesThailand is a founding member of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), a political, economic and cultural organization comprising ten Southeast Asian countries and nearly 625 million inhabitants.

Since 2016, ASEAN has become a free trade zone:

  • goods,
  • services,
  • investments,
  • the workforce
  • capital.

Thailand and its capital Bangkok are at the crossroads of this common market. Numerous economic opportunities are emerging.

Thailand is investing in very large infrastructure projects, mainly in airports and transport routes. The renewal and modernization of the railroads will facilitate and develop communications with other ASEAN countries.

Several new routes will be created from Bangkok:

  • to Laos, with an extension to China
  • to Chiang Mai. (Northern Thailand)
  • southwards to Rayong
  • westwards to Malaysia

All these investments are worth billions of Euros, and will have numerous spin-offs for the Thai economy.

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